THURSDAY  08/12/2022
17:00 (UTC) [K8]
Dangerous (Season Β ) (New Episode)   

Year of production: (2022)

The second season becomes more "dangerous", going deeper into themes that have been of concern to the Greek public for the last two years, due to the outcome and foundation of the MeToo movement, without necessarily having been explored or presented in the right way by the media. From issues of revenge pornography, cancel culture, anti-feminism, climate change, and immigration to how patriarchy affects the male population, sex work, mental health, and disability, the “Dangerous” want to continue their work in a more spherical and inclusive way. This time, they give more light and space to the personal part of the stories.
Presented by three dynamic and active feminists, Marianna Skylakaki, Maria Gianniou, and Stella Kasdagli, pass the baton to each other in each episode. They talk to the specific protagonist of each episode, whose personal story we follow. The female experience is now in the first person.

Today: «Dangerous Embattled»
Episode 2

In the second episode we follow Maria's story that emphatically highlights a twist of reality that most of us push away as a bad dream: In the blink of an eye your country could be at war. And your life will be derailed. Maria, a well-traveled citizen of the world, a young Ukrainian woman of the middle class, came to Athens as a visitor. On the night of her fourth day here, she became a refugee. After the first shock she found strength and started to support her compatriots, mostly women and children, in their new life in Greece. Her example reminds us of something very important: the starting points and needs of every refugee converge and diverge equally. Each of their stories bears its own unique fingerprints. No two are the same.

People/Attributes (In order of appearance):
Maria Smahlii, Ukrainian Refugee
Bogdan Semenchenko, Maria’s Partner
Iranian Refugee
African Refugee
Loretta McCauley, representative of United Women of Africa
Mahmoud Abdel Rasoul, Doctor, Intercultural mediator
Despina Paraskeva-Veloudogianni, Campaigns Officer, Amnesty International - Greek Section

Direction: Gevi Dimitrakopoulou
Editor-in-chief/ Script: Alexis Gaglias/ Elena Zervopoulou
Hosts: Maria Gianniou, Stella Kasdagli, Marianna Skylakaki
Editor-in-chief / Interviews (studio): A. Kanelli
Direction of Photography: Panos Manolitsis
Project Manager: Nikos Gryllakis
Production: Kon. Tzortzis/ N. Ververidis
Executive Production: Elc productions in cooperation with Production House.

Available on ERTFLIX.



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