SATURDAY  24/09/2022
19:00 (UTC) [K8]
Entertainment / Greek Series

Today: Episode 37 «The ruined home», Episode 38 «No Smoking» & Episode 39 «Charlie Chaplin» (Season 2)

Episode 37 «The ruined home»
Stelios and Mary part ways with each other. The house is divided. Εach one of them has their reasons to blame the other for their “ruined home”. Young and old alike, everyone is upset and tries to reconcile them, but to no avail. Downhearted with each other, they sleep in separate rooms. On the other hand, Pelagia laments because the policeman rejected her since he considers her to be a seasoned gambler. The group also loses its new-found joy, the conquian. Joanna triumphs in a foreign competition and bids farewell to the neighborhood for a promising future; everyone is emotional, but more so is father Thodoras. All these take place, while Louis decides to throw a birthday party, so that he has a second chance to charm Ella. He enthusiastically prepares himself again, however he hasn’t taken into account what Ella wants.

Episode 38 «No Smoking»
The new ministerial decision to abolish the advertising of cigarettes in the public media is a matter of concern for the whole neighborhood. Antonis undertakes the relevant report for his newspaper, while Stelios, who in the meantime has caught the infamous Russian flu, is furious. The flu, the doctor who forbids him to smoke, so he finds himself walking around with an extinguished cigarette in his hand, but above all, the war he has waged on Mary, which is going from bad to worse, have distracted him. Mary, however, is also worried about her studio and her loan, since Dennis has disappeared after the Saturday night fiasco. Dimitris is looking for a new employee and Elpida, frustrated by acting, decides to give it a try and gets a job in the café. Angelos tries to convince Louis that their friendship is above any woman. Louis decides he has had enough with tuxedos, and that he wants to go back being the ragtag he used to be. And to start smoking... While Ermioni, following a check-up to make sure, may have some reasons to worry

Episode 39 «Charlie Chaplin»
The spring of 1978 brings about confusion and changes in the family. Dimitris and Nana are determined not to let their marriage fail, so the two of them go on a trip. Elpida takes the brave decision to distance herself from acting and her bitterness and gets a job in the café. Antonis is making great progress at the newspaper. Louis can't get over being rejected by Ella, while the latter misses no single opportunity of showing her attraction toward Angelos. The only thing that seems to be beyond repair is the relationship between Mary and Stelios. Everyone tries to help them make up, but both of them are adamant. Mary, who is also worried about losing her studio after Dennis' departure, is particularly unyielding. Ermioni is worried about the future of Stelios and Mary's relationship, but more so about her fragile health condition, which she carefully hides from everyone. In the meanwhile, the country is looking forward to the Eurovision Song Contest, which this year is dedicated to Charlie Chaplin.

Σκηνοθεσία: Νίκος Κρητικός Σενάριο: Νίκος Απειρανθίτης, Δώρα Μασκλαβάνου, Κατερίνα Μπέη. Παραγωγοί: Ναταλί Δούκα, Διονύσης Σαμιώτης Διεύθυνση φωτογραφίας: Βασίλης Κασβίκης Production designer: Δημήτρης Κατσίκης Ενδυματολόγος: Μαρία Κοντοδήμα Casting director: Σοφία Δημοπούλου, Φραγκίσκος Ξυδιανός Παραγωγή: Tanweer Productions Παίζουν: Μελέτης Ηλίας (Στέλιος), Κατερίνα Παπουτσάκη (Μαίρη), Υβόννη Μαλτέζου (Ερμιόνη), Τζένη Θεωνά (Νανά), Εριφύλη Κιτζόγλου (Ελπίδα), Δημήτρης Καπουράνης (Αντώνης), Δημήτρης Σέρφας (Άγγελος), Ερρίκος Λίτσης (Νίκος), Μιχάλης Οικονόμου (Δημήτρης), Γιάννης Δρακόπουλος (παπα-Θόδωρας), Νατάσα Ασίκη (Πελαγία), Λίλα Μπακλέση (Αγγελική), Ρένος Χαραλαμπίδης (Βαγγέλης Παπαδόπουλος) Γιολάντα Μπαλαούρα (Ρούλα), Τόνια Σωτηροπούλου (Αντιγόνη), Ρένα Κυπριώτη (Ναντίν Μαρκάτου), Βαγγέλης Δαούσης (Λούης), Αμέρικο Μέλης (Χάρης), Κωνσταντίνα Μεσσήνη (Αννα).

Guests (επεισόδιο 37ο): Έμιλυ Κολιανδρή (κ. Αργυρίου), Μαργαρίτα Αμαραντίδη (Ελένη Σπανούλη), Μάιρα Άμσελεμ (Τζοάννα), Διονύσης Γαγάτσος (Θωμάς), Νατάσα Εξηνταβελώνη (Δώρα), Ρένα Κυπριώτη (Ναντίν Μαρκάτου), Θανάσης Παπαγεωργίου (αστυνόμος Γιώργης), Δέσποινα Πολυκανδρίτου (Σούλα), Ναταλία Τζιαρού (Ρίτσα), Βίκυ Τσίρου (Μπέτυ Ζούζουλα), Μαρία Φερέιρα (Έλα), Γιάννης Χαρκοφτάκης (Αχιλλέας)

Guests(επεισόδιο 38ο): Έμιλυ Κολιανδρή (κ. Αργυρίου), Διονύσης Γαγάτσος (Θωμάς), Νατάσα Εξηνταβελώνη (Δώρα), Ρένα Κυπριώτη (Ναντίν Μαρκάτου), Μαρία Φερέιρα (Έλα), Γιάννης Χαρκοφτάκης (Αχιλλέας), Θόδωρος Ιγνατιάδης (κλητήρας), Στάθης Κόικας (Άλκης), Γιάννης Νικολάου (δρ Παπασωτηρίου), Νίκος Τσιμάρας (Στάθης)

Guests (επεισόδιο 39ο): Βασιλική Γκρέκα (Νόνη), Νατάσα Εξηνταβελώνη (Δώρα), Στάθης Κόικας (Άλκης), Ρένα Κυπριώτη (Ναντίν Μαρκάτου), Θανάσης Παπαγεωργίου (Αστυνόμος Γιωργής), Ιωάννης Παπαζήσης (Ντένης Τεπενδρής), Δέσποινα Πολυκανδρίτου (Σούλα), Αντώνης Σανιάνος (Μίλτος), Νίκος Τσιμάρας (Στάθης), Εμμανουέλα Φερέιρα (Έλα), Γιάννης Χαρκοφτάκης (Αχιλλέας)

Available on ERTFLIX.


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