MONDAY  22/02/2021
06:00 (UTC) PG
Encounters with Remarkable People   
News / Arts - Literature

Series of documentaries by Menelaos Karamangiolis, starring heroes of dark and difficult everyday life, with no prospects or hope. Young unemployed scientists, homeless people, underage prisoners, persecuted refugees, and Greek immigrants in Germany, who manage to handle the deadlocks of the crisis and finally find the light at the end of the tunnel. Hope and optimism ultimately triumph through their personal stories, which inspire.


Κατάλληλο για όλους
Recommended for all audiences
Κατάλληλο άνω των 8 ετών
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 12 ετών
Recommended for ages 12 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 16 ετών
Recommended for ages 16 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 18 ετών
Recommended for ages 18 and up
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