"Islands on the Edge" is a documentary series by ERT3 that portrays the life of a few inhabitants on small outlying islands. Through a cinematic view, the experiences of the people, their stories, the past, the present, and the future of these remote places are captured. Each episode is a journey, a collection of images, faces, and moments of everyday life. An attempt to understand a different world, a small isolated land surrounded by sea.
«Arkioi» [With English subtitles]
Episode 3
A short distance from the Turkish coast and near Patmos, there is a cluster of small islands that belong to the Dodecanese. Arkioi are part of this tiny and little-known Polynesia. Life there moves at two speeds, down at the harbor which is the only settlement on the island and on the rocky hills where the last remaining shepherds of the island live.
It's Holy Week. The locals are starting to arrive. Will all the women get together to adorn the Epitaph with flowers? Where will the Easter Divine Liturgy be held this year; with a volunteer priest at that, who has served from Kosovo to Somalia? Will Manolis Trypas, who owns the island's iconic tavern, a meeting place of many, many people, attend the Easter Divine Liturgy this year? Is it true that Katrina, who came here many years ago from distant Ukraine, makes the best fish soup on the island? And a little further up, in a primeval landscape of rocks and paddocks, lies the parallel universe where Lazaros the shepherd lives. At the same time that he is climbing up the ancient stones, a feast begins down at the harbor.
Direction: Giorgos Savoglou & Dionysia Kopana
Research - Narration: Dionysia Kopana
Director of Photography: Giannis Misouridis
Production Manager: Christina Tsakmaka
Opening-Ending Titles Music: Konstantis Papakonstantinou
Original Music: Michalis Tsiftsis
Editing: Giorgos Savoglou
Assistant Editor: Stamatina Roupalioti
Camera Assistant: Alexandros Vozinidis
Available on ERTFLIX.