The five-episode documentary series explores the pivotal period in Greek history from July 1974 to the present, covering the 50 years since the fall of the dictatorship and the establishment of new political institutions. The series uses the extensive audiovisual archives of ERT to showcase significant events and provide a unique interpretation of the post-dictatorship era, which is often referred to as the "Metapolitefsi" (transition to democracy).
The series does not aim to provide an exhaustive or encyclopedic account of these complex 50 years but instead focuses on how the major political, social, and cultural shifts of the period were experienced at the time and how they are understood today. It explores how ordinary people lived through and interpreted these events in real time, how those events influenced their daily lives and cultural developments, and how we interpret them in hindsight, with the benefit of historical perspective.
The collaboration between political scientist Stathis Kalyvas and sociologist Panagiotis Panayiotopoulos is central to this approach. Their narrative, based on exhaustive research in ERT's archives, delves into the political, social, economic, and value-based transformations triggered by the Metapolitefsi. Through original images and the words of the people—both famous figures and ordinary citizens—the documentary aims to spark intergenerational dialogue about the meaning and impact of the last five decades in Greece.
Each episode offers a vibrant, experiential, and often unexpected portrait of the period, encouraging reflection and discussion among both older generations who lived through these changes and younger ones who are discovering them for the first time.
"The Age of Opulence (1991-2004)" [With English subtitles]
Episode 4
In 1990, New Democracy returned to power, launching a liberal economic program. However, this initiative lasted only three years before PASOK regained control. Under Andreas Papandreou, PASOK implemented a significant shift in economic policy. Both parties converged on a shared priority: securing Greece's entry into the eurozone. Fiscal reforms were introduced, spurring renewed economic growth. The end of the Cold War and an influx of economic migrants, primarily from Albania, further fueled this growth. Simultaneously, the narrowing ideological gap between the two major parties created a political void, which various social movements sought to fill, particularly around the contentious Macedonian issue. The advent of private television in 1989 marked a turning point, fostering a "lifestyle culture" centered on luxury consumption and entertainment. This era became synonymous with a sense of affluence and indulgence. The period culminated in 2004 with Greece's entry into the eurozone and the successful hosting of the Olympic Games, events that symbolized national progress and prosperity. Many considered 2004 the pinnacle of post-dictatorship Greece, believing the country had entered a new era of success. However, this optimism would soon be challenged by unforeseen difficulties ahead.
Script and Presentation: Stathis Kalyvas, Panagiotis Panayiotopoulos
Direction: Andreas Apostolidis, Yury Averoff
Studio Direction: Alexandros Merkouris
Script Editing: Rhea Apostolidis, Andreas Apostolidis, Yury Averoff
Editing: Yury Averoff
Photography: Yiannis Kanakis
Sound Engineering: Aris Kafentzis
Production Management: Evita Nikolaaki
Archive Research: Phoeniki Papadopoulou
Producers: Rhea Apostolidis, Yury Averoff
Production Execution: Anemon Productions
Available on ERTFLIX.