Superhero adventure, USA
Peter Parker returns with Spider-Man: Far From Home, the next chapter in the Spider-Man film series. The friendly neighborhood superhero decides to join his best friends, Ned, MJ, and the rest of the group on a vacation in Europe. However, Peter's plans to take a break from his superhero duties for a few weeks are quickly interrupted when he reluctantly agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery behind a series of attacks by elemental creatures that are wreaking havoc across the continent.
Far From Home masterfully combines the vibe of an American teen comedy with the superhero genre, portraying Peter as a kid who's fallen in love and is trying to find a way to express it, while also coincidentally being Spider-Man.
Director: Jon Watts
Cast: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal, Samuel L. Jackson, Marisa Tomei, Jacob Batalon
Available on ERTFLIX.