Greek fiction film, Drama, produced in 1971
Plot: After the fall of Troy, the captive women wait to board ships bound for Greece. Among them, Queen Hecuba mourns the loss of her family and city, while Hector's widow, Andromache, is tasked with raising her son, Astyanax, in Greece, where he is treated as a trophy by Achilles' son. The fate of the defeated finally crushes the two women when the victors decide to kill young Astyanax, the sole descendant of the heroic Hector. Meanwhile, Menelaus encounters Helen, whose actions sparked the war, and the prophetess Cassandra foretells the hardships awaiting the Greeks on their journey home.
Actors: Catherine Deneuve, Vanessa Redgrave, Geneviève Bujold, Irini Papa, Brian Blessed, Patrick Magee
Screenplay, based on the work of Euripides: Michalis Kakogiannis
Direction: Michalis Kakogiannis
Director of Photography: Alfio Contini
Music: Mikis Theodorakis
Costumes: Nicolas Georgiadis
Co-production: Greece - United Kingdom - USA
Production: Michalis Kakogiannis - Anis Nohra