SUNDAY  04/08/2024
01:00 (UTC) [K8]
Music Box   (R)   

Nikos Portokaloglou and Rena Morfi unite different musical worlds, where everything fits and everything blends harmoniously! Together with the Band of the Box, they create original covers of favorite songs and unite rebetika with traditional music, Maria Farantouri with Eric Burdon, reggae with hip-hop, and Stratos Dionysiou with George Michael.
MUSIC BOX welcomes established creators and young artists and honors the creators who have given new life to Greek songs with their music and lyrics.

Today: «Music box of the 1950s» Guests: Lakis Papadopoulos, Doros Dimosthenous and Penny Baltatzi

Idea, Artistic Direction: Nikos Portokaloglou
Presenters: Nikos Portokaloglou, Rena Morfi
Direction: Periklis Vourthis
Chief Editor: Theodora Konstantopoulou
Producer: Stelios Kotiwnis
Cinematography Director: Vasilis Mourikis
Set Designer: Rania Gerogianni
Music Director: Giannis Diskos
Artistic Consultants: Thomaida Platypodi - Giorgos Anastasiou
Repertoire Manager: Nikos Makrakis
Photo Credits: Manolis Manousis / MAEM
Production Execution: Foss Productions along with the musicians:
Wind Instruments - Keyboards / Giannis Diskos
Violin - Vocals / Dimitris Kazanis
Guitars - Vocals / Lambis Kountouroyiannis
Drums / Thanasis Tsakirakis
Bass - Mandolin - Vocals / Vyron Tsourapis
Piano - Keyboards / Stelios Frangous

Available on ERTFLIX.


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