SATURDAY  03/08/2024
10:00 (UTC) [K8]
Portraits with Christos Vasilopoulos   (R)   
Entertainment / Show

"Portraits with Christos Vasilopoulos" is dedicated to well-known people of the arts who have left a strong imprint on Greece. These are twelve show specials with elements of research, shedding light on all aspects of culture. What has been the secret of their success, but also what have been the difficulties they have gone through and the bitterness they have experienced? Also, what has their everyday life been like, who were the people closest to them, and the people who have influenced them? "People with Christos Vasilopoulos" sheds light on these people's lives and distinguishes myth from reality.

Today: «Yannoulis Halepas»
Episode 12

The life of sculptor Yannoulis Halepas is presented by the show "Portraits with Christos Vasilopoulos". The episode sheds light on the reasons that drove the creator of the famous "Sleeping Female Figure" to madness and 14 years in a psychiatric asylum. His story is full of twists and turns, and a happy ending, as he managed to emerge from the darkness of schizophrenia, to create great works once again and make a name for himself. Urban myths and assumptions about his life and work are debunked. Halepas' father Ioannis was a great marble craftsman and wanted to make him a merchant, but Yannoulis wanted to become a sculptor from a young age. The Sleeping Figure The work that made him famous is the Sleeping Female Figure, which is located in the 1st Cemetery of Athens. It was the funerary monument of a rich eighteen-year-old girl from Kimolos, who died of tuberculosis, not of heartbreak as the urban legend went. The journalistic research highlights Yannoulis' early years, the heartbreak he experienced in his village in Tinos due to a young woman from the village. This is said to have triggered his illness, but the episode separates myth from reality. The mental illness Through the testimonies of his relatives and his brother’s letters, the trials he went through are presented.

Available on ERTFLIX.


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