SUNDAY  04/08/2024
21:00 (UTC) [K12]
Man of the Year   

Man of the Year

Year of production: (2006)

Political comedy produced in the USA.
Tom Tombs is a popular comedian with his own television show. As the presidential elections approach, he decides to run as an independent candidate to gain more material. To his surprise, he gets elected as president.

Directed by: Barry Levinson

Starring: Robin Williams, Christopher Walken, Laura Linney, Lewis Black, Jeff Goldblum, Karen Hines

Available on ERTFLIX.


Κατάλληλο για όλους
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Κατάλληλο άνω των 8 ετών
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 12 ετών
Recommended for ages 12 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 16 ετών
Recommended for ages 16 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 18 ετών
Recommended for ages 18 and up
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