MONDAY  29/07/2024
19:00 (UTC) [K16]
Six Nights at the Acropolis   
Entertainment / Series

It is the only novel by George Seferis, which is brought to the small screen in a six-episode mini-series.

On the occasion of a young man’s return from abroad, a group of seven people (boys and girls) in Athens of the 1930s, which has disbanded for many years, decides to get back together and reminisce on old times, but also to get to know each other better. For this reason, they meet on the rock of the Acropolis for six consecutive full-moon nights, trying to discover the hidden symbolism of the monument, in search of a meaning for their hopeless lives.
The protagonists of the series are Stratis, Seferis’ most trusted friend, Salome, Kalliklis, Lala, Nikolas, Nontas and Sphinx, seven young people who attempt to talk about friendship, love and confession in Greece, which is still recovering from the wounds of the Asia Minor Disaster and the National Schism.

Episode 1

Episode's description
Late 1920s: Stratis Thalassinos returns to Greece after his studies in Paris, having previously separated from his French girlfriend, Françoise, finds a country wounded by the Asia Minor Disaster, and reunites with his friends from his teenage years, Nontas, Salomi, Lala, the Sphinx, Nikolas and Kalliklis.

Director: Giannis Diamantopoulos
Editing: Giannis Marris
Music: Dionysis Tsaknis
Cinematography: Giorgos Argyroiliopoulos
Set Design: Kiki Miliou
Costumes: Savvas Paschalidis
Sound: Antonis Samaras


Foivos Markianos (Stratis)
Grigoria Metheniti (Salome)
Giorgos Vourdamis (Kalliklis)
Giorgos Mertzianis (Nontas)
Apostolos Kamitsakis (Nikolas)
Eliza Skolidi (Lala)
Katerina Misichroni (Sphinx)
Also featuring in the series:
Giorgos Armenis, Giorgis Kontopodis, Stamatis Tzelepis, Christos Kelantonis, Thomaïs Androutsou, Nota Parousi, Maria Englezaki, Rena Lykou, Eleni Voutyra, Panos Kranidiotis, Christos Chalvatzaras, Dinos Soutsis, Spyros Kouvardas, Nikos Karagiorgis, Konstantina Tzortzi, Giannis Zografos, Arthur Ioannidis, Savvas Karakatsanis, Spyros Katiforis, Thodoris Prokopiou, Takis Deligiannis, Katerina Antoniadou, Sofia Priangelou, and others.

Available on ERTFLIX.


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Κατάλληλο άνω των 8 ετών
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Κατάλληλο άνω των 12 ετών
Recommended for ages 12 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 16 ετών
Recommended for ages 16 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 18 ετών
Recommended for ages 18 and up
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