SUNDAY  28/07/2024
04:30 (UTC) [K8]
Stone 'n time   (R)   
Documentary / Culture

Year of production: (2021)

The episodes of the documentary series visit areas whose roots trace back to the depths of history. Their modern image is unique because they combine their stone traditional presence with the beauty of untouched mountainous landscapes.

Settlements perched on steep slopes overlook ravines and gorges like eyries in the rugged terrain. The undulations of the mountain ranges fade into the horizon in a dreamy combination of ruggedness and primordial harmony.

Images of unprecedented beauty, like folk paintings embroidered on pine-covered slopes and magnificent plateaus. Areas like the historic Dimitsana, the silver-gold-bearing Stemnitsa, the Koryschades and Viniani, with their more recent historical presence in the resistance against fascist Germany, the wonderful "Balkans" of Evrytania, as the villages of Stefani, Sella, Miliá, and Fidákia are called, the ruined Marathias, the beautiful stone bridges of Evrytania, compose delightful images and are approached with a deeper exploration of cultural and historical continuity.

Today: «Aliartos»
Episode 15

The former gardens of the city of Haliartos with the staff housing of an English company that once drained the lake Kopaida, still impress to this day with their distinct colonial architectural style. The renovated stone-built warehouses of agricultural products are tokens of a prosperous society, which developed after the draining of the lake. The area of Haliartos is overseen by two medieval towers, while the waterfall at the village of Petra is also impressive. Close to Haliartos the battle of Petra took place, where Demetrios Ypsilantis ended the bloody cycle of the Greek Revolution by liberating eastern Central Greece.

Screenplay-Directing: Elias Iosifidis
Texts-Presentation-Narration: Lefteris Eleftheriadis
Cinematography-Aerial Shots: Dimitris Mavroforakis
Editing-Mixing: Haris Mavroforakis
Sound Recording: Roula Eleftheriadou
Production Management: Efi Korosidou
Production Execution: FADE IN PRODUCTIONS

Available on ERTFLIX.


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