THURSDAY  25/07/2024
23:00 (UTC) [K8]
Time Machine   (R)   
News / Investigative

"Time Machine" is a show that creates documentaries about historical events and people. It also presents tributes to artists and journalistic investigations on social issues that have strongly concerned Greek society in the past.

Today: «Censorship and propaganda during the years of the Junta» (Tribute: 50 Years of Democracy)

On the wall of his office, dictator Georgios Papadopoulos had a newspaper caricature that was highly critical of the junta. Anyone who saw it believed he was tolerant.
The truth was that the sketch had been censored and was never published.
Papadopoulos displayed it openly to deceive foreign reporters into believing there was freedom of the press in Greece.
The tricks of the junta and the brutal censorship are the subject of the "Time Machine," which revisits the years when fear overshadowed everything.
Georgios Georgalas was a spearhead for ideological guidance, holding the position of "Deputy Prime Minister".
Through broadcasts on the junta's television, he conveyed the junta's line, beautified reality, and distorted the truth.
The show uncovered rare footage of the junta's theoretician in action, giving speeches and touring.
The "Sovietologist" of the colonels and former member of the Communist Party evolved into one of the harshest prosecutors of leftist ideology.
Censorship also dominated in the arts. Censors even took care to put real band-Aids on 45 rpm records to prevent them from being played on Greek radio record players. Time Machine found many such records and presents the stories of censored songs.
The young people of that era remember the violence in cinemas to prevent them from watching "dangerous" American films, such as "The Strawberry Statement," and of course, there was no talk of rock music, which, in the minds of the junta, was as dangerous as communism!

Host: Christos Vasilopoulos


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