WEDNESDAY  24/07/2024
20:00 (UTC) [K8]
Switch (Season Β ) (New Episode)   
Entertainment / Game Show

Is it possible to have a quiz show without scoring? A quiz show where players compete for 7 days for the prize? And the answer is yes! The role of Evgenia Samara is not to make things difficult for the players. On the contrary, having made it clear that she is always on the side of the players, she becomes the person who will help them not only win the prize but also become the most vibrant television group. Together with the presenter, they play, get to know each other, build familiarity, become friends, and test their knowledge. Every correct answer brings them closer to the first place, while every wrong answer moves them away from the monetary prize. Not for long, as even if they fail in one episode, they have the opportunity to win in one of the following ones. In this atmosphere, once a week, a group of beloved artists will play with Evgenia Samara, aiming for the monetary prize to be donated to charitable organizations. SWITCH, with Evgenia Samara, is the friendliest and, at the same time, the fastest and most dynamic game on Greek television. A quiz game in which the primary role is played by the group.

Today: Guests: Maria Konstantakis, Stathis Christoforidis, Fani Kataveli, Panos Kladis, Sissi Kallini
Episode 113

Evgenia welcomes beloved personalities always for a good cause. She welcomes Maria Konstantaki, Stathis Christoforidis, Fani Kataveli, Panos Kladis and Sissi Kallini. They are trying to answer Evgenias’ questions correctly, so that they can claim 2,000 euros for Therapy dogs, which is a voluntary association that deals with ANIMAL ASSISTED THERAPY, i.e. with dog-assisted therapy sessions for people with multiple disabilities and people with psychiatric illnesses, as well as criminal psychiatric patients.

Director: Dimitris Arvanitis
Head Editor: Nikos Tilkeridis
Line Producer: Zoe Tsetseli
Executive Producer: Panos Rallis, Elissavet Hatzinikolaou
Producer: Sofia Panagiotaki

Host: Evgenia Samara

Available on ERTFLIX.


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