SUNDAY  11/02/2024
16:15 (UTC) [K8]
Meet the Craftsmen  (Season Β ) (New Season)   
Documentary / Arts - Literature

Year of production: (2023)

Weekly half-hour show, produced in 2023-2024.

A series of half-hour documentaries presenting traditional arts and techniques in the 21st century, filmed in various locations across Greece.

The second season consists of 10 original half-hour documentaries filmed from the foothills of Mount Parnassus and Pentalofos, Kozani to Crete and Rhodes, Didymoteicho, and Sparta. These are places where economically sustainable traditional arts continue to be practiced, some of which have been included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

Renowned stand-up comedian Hera Katsouda attempts to learn the secrets of crafting the lyre or the 'stivani', stone construction, copper craftsmanship, and pebble mosaics in the locations where these arts are practiced. Alongside her, the viewers experience each art's labor, difficulties, and peculiarities.

Today: «Craftsmen of stone and stone buildings in Pentalofos, Kozani» [With English subtitles]
Episode 1

A series of half-hour documentaries, presenting traditional arts and techniques in the 21st century, filmed in various parts of Greece.
The craftsmen from Zoumpani were known throughout Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean for their unattainable technique and their ability to build using local stones wherever they were working. They could build from houses and public buildings to bridges and cobbled streets. In the first episode of the new season of “Meet the Craftsmen”, Hera searches for those craftsmen and the remnants of their work all over Pentalofos and the villages of Voio. While conversing with those who continue to practice the art of carving stone, she realizes that there is a philosophy of life behind stone craftsmanship and the use of stone in construction. Together with Hera, the viewer will get an idea of traditional construction techniques but mainly will discover the way each craftsman sees their material, the stone. At the same time, the viewer will wonder about the future of this skill and the traditional stone building.

Direction - Concept: Grigoris Vardarinos
Screenplay - Scientific Collaborator: Philippos Mandilaras
Production Management: Ioanna Douka
Music Composition: Georgios Mouchtaris
Opening Titles - Graphics: Panagiotis Giorgakas

Host: Hera Katsouda

Available on ERTFLIX.


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