SUNDAY  11/02/2024
10:00 (UTC) [K8]
Salt of the Earth (Season K ) (New Episode)   
Music / Traditional

A series on Greek musical tradition, produced in 2023-24. The show's goal is to record and showcase to the audience the richness, variety, and expressiveness of Greek musical heritage, through local musical idioms as well as the contemporary dynamics in the urban environment of the big city.

Today: «The Tradition of Refugees in Platy and Trikala Imathias. Cappadocians and Northern Thracians»
Episode 8

"Salt of the Earth" and Lambros Liavas invite us on a journey to Imathia, to learn about the musical and dance tradition of refugees who settled in the region: Cappadocians in Platy and North Thracians in Trikala Imathias.
At Platy, our hosts are the Association of Cappadocians "Varasos". President Christos
Georgiadis and dance-teacher Vasilis Asvestas are mentioned in her story about refugees
settlement in Imathia from Farasa, about their songs and dances. Women sing wedding songs, present the local gastronomy and its local Association members present the ceremonial dances of Saint Basil and Easter, as well as the very special dances with handkerchiefs, swords and spoons.
Special reference is made to the television recording made in the same village in 1976 by Domna Samiou and footage from her "Musical Travelogue" are shown (direction: Photos Lambrinos) from ERT precious Archive.
In the second part of the show we go to Trikala Imathias, where we are welcomed by veteran organist Dimos Nastoudis with his accordion and singing. Our hosts are members of the Cultural & Folklore Association "Eastern Rumelia”. President Vasiliki Giantsidou talks about the customs, dances and activities of the association; Maria Dioudi refers to the chronicle of the settlement of refugees from the Monastery of Eastern Rumelia in Trikala, while Paraskevi Dagouloudi presents local gastronomy. The discussion focuses on "sartes", Christmas carols sung by village men, connecting the Nativity of Christ with The Passion of Christ!

Research, Texts: Lambros Liavas
Direction: Manolis Filaitis
Director of Photography: Alexandros Voutsinas

Host: Lambros Liavas

Available on ERTFLIX.


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Recommended for ages 12 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 16 ετών
Recommended for ages 16 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 18 ετών
Recommended for ages 18 and up
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