SUNDAY  11/02/2024
07:30 (UTC) [K8]
+people (Season Β )   (R)   

Year of production: (2023)

Half-hour weekly show produced by ERT in 2023. Stories with a positive social significance. People who think outside the box, take life into their own hands, cooperate and take care of themselves and those around them. Projects with a vision, thoughtfulness, and innovation from all over Greece.

Today: «When the Bees Came»
Episode 7

Two engineers who gave up good jobs and the city lights and decided to stand by the workers who make sure we have food, the bees. It is said that Albert Einstein predicted that when the bees disappear, humankind will die in the next four years.

Without bees, our food would be limited to corn, rice, and wheat. According to scientific studies, 84% of cultivated plants and 80% of wild vegetation need bees for pollination.

In the valley of Vikos, Giannis Darras meets two young beekeepers who contribute to preventing the disappearance of pollinator bees and at the same time produce a unique product with added value, since scientific analyses show that it has higher levels of bioactivity than Manuka honey, whose price reaches 700 euros per kilo.

Production Direction: Nina Dova
Directed by: Vassilis Moissidis

Host: Yiannis Darras

Available on ERTFLIX.


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Recommended for ages 12 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 16 ετών
Recommended for ages 16 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 18 ετών
Recommended for ages 18 and up
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