SUNDAY  11/02/2024
03:00 (UTC) [K8]
Sunday at the Village Again (Season C )   (R)   
Documentary / Travel

Year of production: (2023)

"Sunday at the Village Again": a brand new take on the traditional show.
The protagonist is still the “village”, the people who inhabit it, their lives, the way they reproduce their customs and traditions in their everyday life, everything they have achieved in time, and everything they dream of. The glorious moments but also the hard times, the manners and customs, the songs and the celebrations, the relationship with the natural environment, and the way that this affects the economy of the place and the souls of the inhabitants.
The village is not just a romantic view of life, it is a living cell that adapts to new conditions. With imagination, ingenuity, a sense of humor, high aesthetics, emotion, and contemporary television language, we pin down and record the relationship of the old with the new, from yesterday to tomorrow and from one end of Greece to the other.

Today: «Gouves, Evia»
Episode 9

Sunday in Gouves, Evia. The tower of poet Georgios Drosinis is a landmark of the village.
A mythical symbol of the village, the forest - plagued by fires, yet breathing once again. Kostis chats with the locals about their lives, their history, and their moments of happiness and hardship. He meets the people of the woodlands and the sea. The Choir of the Gymnasium -
Lyceum of Gouves dedicates "Etinaxe tin Anthismeni Amygdalia” (She Shook the Blooming Almond Tree) by G. Drosinis to the show. On the day of the feast, Mr. Giannis prepares chickpeas with rice. Katerina explains how
“stroglianopita” pie is made. Through traditional dances, songs, but above all people's souls, we gain an insight into their culture. The great feast of the village takes place in the schoolyard with its tree paintings. A feast like a grand promise...

Host: Kostis Zafeirakis

Available on ERTFLIX.


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Recommended for ages 12 and up
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Recommended for ages 16 and up
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