Crete, 1975
The second season of “The Beach” takes us to Crete in 1975, a time when Greece was gradually moving beyond the darkness of the junta and democracy was struggling to find its footing in the reconstructed Greek state. In the carved rocks of Matala, old and new characters coexist, each searching for their identity in a rapidly changing world.
Secrets, Love, and Revenge
At the same time, a dark story from the German occupation period resurfaces, threatening once again to haunt the present. This is a story that everyone knew, but very consciously chose to forget, and those who lived through it and survived will sooner or later seek revenge.
Pavlos’ (Dimitris Kitsos) return to his ancestral land and his encounter with Iphigenia (Afroditi Liantou) will bring to light a forbidden yet fervent love. Pavlos tries to take control, while Iphigenia strives to maintain it. It seems that one cannot succeed without the other failing.
An Ode to Crete and Love
The series “The Beach” returns for a second season filled with intrigue, emotion, and surprises. It is an ode to Crete, the beauty of nature, and the power of forbidden love.
The continuation of the beloved series promises to be even more thrilling, with the old heroes facing new challenges and new characters bringing fresh energy to the story.
How many secrets might be hidden in the deep waters of Matala?
The series is inspired by the original idea of Penelope Kourtzi and Avgi Vagia. Inspired by the book: “The Girl with the Snail” by Penelope Kourtzi.
Episode 99
Episode's description
After his conversation with Sophie, Dimitros withdraws into himself. Nikolina tries to find out what happened, only to be violently attacked by him. Kerasia, Grantos, Tess, and Nikolas are taking a walk by the sea when their differences lead to another heated argument, until they realize the boy is missing. At the Gendarmerie, Pavlos and Kosmas discover that Iphigenia visited Judith, while Fani and Christos are later informed of their daughter's disappearance. At the pension, Maria discusses the idea of opening a museum with Kostas. Eleni overhears and warns her not to ask Archontakis for help. Sophie visits Manolis' house, needing to talk to someone, but he’s already packing his suitcase and tells her he's heading to Harry and Irene's.
Cast: Dimitris Mothonaíos (Haris Kalafatis), Maria Nafpliotou (Widow – Irini), Nikola̱kis Zegkinoglu (little boy – Manolis), Alexandros Logotheti̱s (Dionysis Archontakis), Dimitris Kitsos (Pavlos Archontakis), Betty Livanou (Nikolina Archontaki), Giorgos Ninios (Dimitros Archontakis), Mary Mina (Mary), Nikolas Papagiannis (Grantos Mavritsakis), Efstathia Tsapareli (Kerasia Mavritsaki), Alexandros Moukaneas (Papa-Nikolas Mavritsakis), Katerina Lypiridou (Eleni Androulidaki), Vicky Kartsana (Maria Zafeiraki), Takis Sakellariou (Kostas Zafeirakis), Maria Bagana (Nona Zinovaki), Dimitris Xanthopoulos (Sifis Geronymakis), Anastasia Geronymaki (Nikolais Bipli), Adrian Friling (Robert), Nikolas Papaioannou (Koltsidakis), Nikos Karageorgis (Pantelis Arvanitakis), Giorgos Yannopoulos (Manolis Papagiannakis), Xenia Danya (Tess Wilson), Eleana Stravodimou (Natalie Pascal), Giorgos Savvidis (Tommy Baker)
New Characters in the Series "The Beach":
Afroditi Liantou (Iphigenia Toufexi), Alexia Kaltsiki (Fani Toufexi), Kostas Kappas (Christos Toufexis), Christos Krayiopoulos (Apostolos Toufexis), Denia Stasinopoulou (Sofi), Syrmo Keke (Berta), Irini Gioti (Aria), Andriana Saranti (Judith), Efthalia Papakosta (Amy), Alkis Bakogiannis (Iakovos Gerontakis)
Script: Panagiotis Iosefelis
Inspired by the Original Idea of: Penelope Kourtzis and Avgi Vagia
Based on the Book: "The Girl with the Snail" by Penelope Kourtzis, published by Psychogios
Direction: Stefanos Blatsos
Directors: Evi Vardaki, Giorgos Kikidis
Director of Photography: Andreas Goulo̱s, Angelos Papadopoulos
Scenography: Sofia Zoumeri
Costume Design: Nineta Zacharopoulou
Make-Up: Lia Protopappa, Elli Kriara
Sound Engineering: Panagiotis Psimmenos, Socrates Basiakoulis
Editing: Christos Markakis
Music and Lyrics: Alex Sid, Dimitris Nasios (Quasamodo)
Music Supervision: Asimakis Kontogiannis
Casting: Iro Gallou
Production Organization: Dimitris Apostolidis
Project Manager: Orestis Plakias
Executive Producer: Vasilis Chrysanthopoulos
Producer: Stelios Kotionis
Production Execution: Foss Productions
Production: ERT