Signals, the television show with Rea Vitali, returns with a new season of 12 episodes.
The show addresses challenging topics that concern contemporary society, encouraging us to "get uncomfortable," reflect, and possibly reconsider what we take for granted.
Chronicler Rea Vitali, with an exploratory mindset and a diverse mix of guests sharing their knowledge and experiences, approaches each theme from multiple angles. She clarifies complex issues and highlights new perspectives. Sometimes looking into the past and at other times focusing on the future, the goal of the show is to provide "food for thought," not necessarily to provide answers, but certainly to stimulate insights and questions.
"Maria Katsikadakou"
Episode 7
Maria Katsikadakou, a guest on the show "Signala," opens up about her fascinating life with an honest and unpretentious attitude, focusing on her sexual identity. She also shares the history of the lesbian community in Greece, as outlined in her book "A Lesbian Life."
"You never stooped to lie about your identity," notes Rhea Vitali to her guest. "You told the truth to everyone, no matter how hard it was," she continues, and Maria Katsikadakou responds, "I told the truth first to my family, no matter how hard that was."
With courage and support, Maria Katsikadakou then moves on to the next chapter of her life, that of daily battles with diabetes and cancer.
"In five words, how would you characterize your life, Maria?" "How did you live?" asks Rhea Vitali. "OPENLY," Maria Katsikadakou answers. "Only OPENLY."
Idea-Research: Rea Vitali
Direction: Aris Lihnaras
Editing: Kostas Kourakos
Editor-in-chief: Voula Voudouri
Production: Thodoris Kavadas
Available on ERTFLIX.