Plot: Miranda (Jenny Karezi), the wealthy and spoiled daughter of an Athenian businessman, accompanies her father to Messolonghi, where the family owns fish farms in the prime areas of the lagoon. While local fishermen strive to form a cooperative to defend themselves against exploitation by their employers, Miranda seduces a charming and strong-willed young man (Giorgos Fountas), disrupting his life and his relationship with the woman he loved and intended to marry.
Produced by Anzervos, this film marks the first cinematic collaboration between Iakovos Kambanellis and Jenny Karezi. The movie masterfully combines...
Cast: Sonia Zoïdou, Giorgos Fountas, Jenny Karezi, Eleni Zafeiriou, Andreas Zisimatos, Nikos Fermas, Christoforos Nezer, Koula Agagiotou
Director: Giorgos Zervos
Screenplay: Iakovos Kambanellis, Nikos Tsekouras
Music composed by Manos Hadjidakis