The "Open Book" series, produced by ERT in 2024, features one-hour episodes hosted by Giannis Sarakatsanis, dedicated exclusively to books and Greek authors.
In each episode, we highlight contemporary Greek publishing activity by hosting its creators. We recommend children's books for young readers, visit an established author who shares insights into their daily life, and renowned artists discuss the books that changed their lives!
"Crime novel"
In the first episode of "Open Book," Giannis Sarakatsanis discusses the crime novel with three "detective" authors: What is the difference between modern police novels and classic ones? Are we really searching for the murderer, or has the focus shifted to something else?
We meet Christos Chomenidis in a fish tavern to talk about his books: What is the story behind his award-winning book "Niki"? Which of his books does he consider the most "unsuccessful," and what makes him prouder than anything else he has written?
Foivos Delivorias shares the three books that changed his life, the illustrator "Miss Grumpy" discusses the challenges of her work, and the show’s editor Elpiniki Papadopoulou explores people's reading preferences… on the street.
Guests include: Irini Vardaki, Vaggelis Giannisis, Dimitris Simos, Maria Pagkalou, Foivos Delivorias, and Christos Chomenidis.
Executive Production: Elpiniki Papadopoulou
Direction: Konstantinos Gourgiotis, Giannis Sarakatsanis
Cinematography: Aris Valergakis
Operators: Aris Valergakis, Giannis Maroudas, Dimitris Kardogeoros
Sound: Giorgis Sarantinos
Sound Mixing: Christoforos Anastasiadis
Graphic Design: Nikos Rantaios (Guirila Studio)
Editing & Post Production: Dimitris Vatsios
Color Grading: Dimitris Vatsios
Music Production: Dimitris Vatsios
Composer of Original Music (Theme): Zorzes Katris
Production Organization and Direction: Konstantinos Gourgiotis
Journalist: Eleftheria Tsaliki
Assistant Production Director: Konstantinos Sazakloglou
Assistant General Duties: Giorgos Tsesmetzis
Hairdressing - Makeup: Nikol Kotsanta
Host: Giannis Sarakatsanis
Available on ERTFLIX.