Genre: Greek Fictional Film
Plot: This tender comedy follows Johnny Maniatis, a nearly fifty-year-old advertising executive who continues to proclaim in every possible way that "the day of reckoning has not yet arrived." However, in life, a clever slogan isn't enough. Within just twenty-four hours, Johnny is forced to confront the truth: his clients are abandoning him, the bank he collaborates with refuses to grant him a loan, his frantic colleagues are scrambling to salvage what's left, and most importantly, the women in his life have lost their patience...
Director: Antonis Kafetzopoulos
Cast: Antonis Kafetzopoulos, Faye Kokkinopoulou, Jenny Rousea, Kostas Triantafyllopoulos, Giota Festa, Mania Papadimitriou, Eleni Apostolopoulou, Makis Papadimitriou
Music: Dimitris Balsam
Cinematography: Ilias Konstantakopoulos