The new daily youth comedy series from ERT, "5 Archelaou Street" is set to meet its television audience in the most bustling and youthful neighborhood of Athens, Pangrati. The characters, full of contrasts and contradictions, will bring fresh air and smiles into our homes.
Great loves, strong friendships, betrayals, rifts, arguments, and many more unexpected developments will disrupt the lives of many diverse people who have come together because of a bar at 5 Archelaou Street. A bar that, despite being the target of many, will continue to operate ceaselessly and constantly change the lives and daily routines of everyone involved.
[With English subtitles]
Episode 31
The bar is in turmoil, and everyone is wondering the same thing: who started the fire? The culprit will not take long to be revealed. At the same time, Alexandros believes he is back in a relationship with Nadia, but she remains firm in her decision to marry the millionaire. Orfeas, wanting to help Stefanos fill the bar that has no customers, wants to perform an improvisational performance there. The group tries to dissuade him, but he is unyielding, and ultimately, nothing will go as he had planned.
The original music for the series is composed by Ermis Geragidis.
Cast: Giannis Stankoglou (Mattheos), Evelina Papoulia (Kelly), Gerasimos Gennatas (Alexandros), Natalia Dragoumi (Nadia),Natassa Xintiavelloni (Lydia), Alkistis Ziropoulou (Dora), Vasso Kavaliaratos (Marouka), Giannis Karambambas (Stefanos), Christos Kontogeorgis (Teo), Charis Chiotis (Orpheas), Mary Stavrakelli (Lambrini), Dimitris Piatas (Mr. Sotiris)
Also featuring: Samuel Akinola, Giannis Diakaki, Myrto Goni, Lygeri Mitropoulou, Dimitris Hatzimichaelidis, Danae Mikedi Prodromou, James Rodi, and many other actors in guest roles.
Creators of the series: Margarita Geroyanni, Panagiotis Markezinis, Thanos Nasopoulos
Screenplay: Margarita Geroyanni, Panagiotis Markezinis, Thanos Nasopoulos, Antonis Andris, Anna Vasiliou, Artemis Grymbla, Giorgos Kastellis, Ioanna Fotopoulou, Selini Papageorgiou
Script Supervision: Giannis Diakakis
Directors: Fotini Kotrotsi, Dimitris Tsakaleas, Lida Vartzioti
Available on ERTFLIX.