The entire "Spectrum" of in-depth journalism.
ERT's informative program, featuring Giannis Papadopoulos, Alexia Kalaitzi, Elena Karanatsi, and Elvira Krithari as hosts, examines issues that concern society, shedding light on unseen aspects of events and highlighting critical issues that get lost in the deluge of information.
The journalistic team of the program provides space and time for research, aiming for well-documented and comprehensive coverage.
«The Road to Safety»
Episode 17
We talk about the road safety issue in our country. Traffic accidents are one of the main causes of deaths among young people in Greece. Meanwhile, the European Union aims to rapidly reduce the number of traffic accident victims over the next few years. What are the main causes of traffic accidents and to what extent have we created a shared traffic safety culture? Niovi Anazikou will try to provide an answer to these questions, through her research.
In the second part, Elena Karanatsi investigates sex work. The show meets workers of the online sex industry, experts, but also sex workers who talk to us about the need to change the legal framework that regulates their work.
Research-Hostes: Giannis Papadopoulos, Alexia Klaitzi, Elena Karanatsi, Elvira Krithari
Editor-in-chief: Lazaros Beltsios
Direction: Giannis Remoundos
Production Manager: Stratis Bogdanos
Host: Giannis Papadopoulos, Alexia Klaitzi, Elena Karanatsi, Elvira Krithari
Available on ERTFLIX.