SATURDAY  31/08/2024
11:30 (UTC) [K8]
+people (Season Α )   (R)   

Year of production: (2021)

Stories with a positive social significance. People who think outside the box, take life into their own hands, co-operate and take care of themselves and those around them. Projects with a vision, with thoughtfulness and innovation from all over Greece.

Today: «A social experiment»
Episode 1

In Tilos, the small island of 500 residents, an unexpectedly successful social experiment takes place. The local community finds solutions to problems that seem unsolvable to others! From energy dependence to urbanization and the refugee crisis. Yiannis Darras talks to positive people who contributed over the years in fostering a culture of tolerance, innovation, experimentation, and solidarity. And made the island famous to the ends of the earth. He follows the evolution of the history of the island, after the visionary Mayor who inspired with his passion and planted seeds that give fruit today. He discovers an unexpected and functional relationship between the residents of Tilos and a Belgian engineer, a Swiss filmmaker, and a whole village of Geneva. He documents the experiment as it progresses and monitors its positive imprint on the life of the island.

Research, Editor-in-chief, Host: Yiannis Darras Production Manager: Nina Dova Direction: Vassilis Moissidis

Available on ERTFLIX.


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