SUNDAY  30/06/2024
03:00 (UTC) [K8]
Sunday at the Village Again (Season Β )   (R)   
Documentary / Travel

Year of production: (2022)

"Sunday at the Village Again": a brand new take on the traditional show.
The protagonist is still the “village”, the people who inhabit it, their lives, the way they reproduce their customs and traditions in their everyday life, everything they have achieved in time, and everything they dream of. The glorious moments but also the hard times, the manners and customs, the songs and the celebrations, the relationship with the natural environment, and the way that this affects the economy of the place and the souls of the inhabitants.
The village is not just a romantic view of life, it is a living cell that adapts to new conditions. With imagination, ingenuity, a sense of humor, high aesthetics, emotion, and contemporary television language, we pin down and record the relationship of the old with the new, from yesterday to tomorrow and from one end of Greece to the other.

Today: "Metaxochori, Larissa"
Episode 10

Sunday at the village again, in Metaxochori, Larissa, also known as the "village of artists". Since the 1970s, people from the field of theater, music, and art in general, have made this village their "homeland". Kostis traces the life tales of the place, chatting with grandparents about the era of sericulture and silk, about the big feasts in the courtyards, and the unforgettable years of innocence. He visits the multi-national monastery of Timios Prodromos, where the elderly nun, Theodekti, talks to him about their daily life. He meets Avra and her son Dimitris, in their gastronomic workshop, is enchanted by the strange murals in the Church of Agios Georgios, explores the biodiversity of nature and the special climate of Metaxochori, discusses with the local professionals about apples, cherries, and wine. Along with the marathon runners and the walkers of the Agia Health Runners Association, they take an incredible route up Mount Kissavos. And together with the women of the village, they cook recipes and reminisce. For the episode finale, grandfather Antonis and Stella dance a magical waltz.

Available on ERTFLIX.



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Κατάλληλο άνω των 8 ετών
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 12 ετών
Recommended for ages 12 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 16 ετών
Recommended for ages 16 and up
Κατάλληλο άνω των 18 ετών
Recommended for ages 18 and up
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