SATURDAY  29/06/2024
14:00 (UTC) [K8]
In Frame (Season Β )   (R)   
News / Show

Year of production: (2024)

Personal testimonies, expert opinions, statistical data, and historical information. Journalistic research goes into depth, analyses, and illuminates important aspects of social issues, placing them "IN FRAME".
ERT's new weekly program comes to elaborate on and dedicate time and attention to issues that concern Greek society but do not have the visibility they deserve. Through the stories of people who unfold their personal experiences in front of the camera, the questions that the experts are then asked to answer are raised.
Data mining and analysis, the presentation of information, and comparisons with international reality enhance journalistic research aimed at providing well-founded information.

Today: «Police Violence»
Episode 4

Three exclusive interviews, three of the most typical cases of police violence in recent years. Isolated incidents or part of a long-term, systemic problem? Every year the Ombudsman is asked to examine about 200 to 300 cases of arbitrariness by the security forces, while at the same time international organizations highlight the problem in their reports.
Police Violence, In Frame

Chief Editor: Vasilis Katsaras
Research - Supervision: Ch. Kalimeri - V. Katsaras
Production Management: Aris Panagiotidis
Editing: Anastasia Daskalaki
Director: Nikos Goulios

Host: Christina Kalimeri

Available on ERTFLIX.


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