MONDAY  08/07/2024
13:00 (UTC) [K8]
Spectrum (Season Β ) (New Episode)   
News / Show

The entire "Spectrum" of in-depth journalism.
ERT's informative program, featuring Giannis Papadopoulos, Alexia Kalaitzi, Elena Karanatsi, and Elvira Krithari as hosts, examines issues that concern society, shedding light on unseen aspects of events and highlighting critical issues that get lost in the deluge of information.
The journalistic team of the program provides space and time for research, aiming for well-documented and comprehensive coverage.

Today: «Red Sea Crisis» & «Social Structures»
Episode 10

The show explores the Houthis Red Sea attacks. Our camera enters the Greek-owned ship that was hit by a missile of Yemeni rebels.
We meet the captain who lived through the attack from within, by special armed guards, who operate in the dangerous area. Who are the Houthis? How is shipping threatened? What are these attacks aimed at? These are some of the questions to which we will try to provide the answers.
In the second part of the show, Alexia Kalaitzi meets our fellow human beings who live exclusively from social structures. In a research that tries to shed light on the recognized by the Greek state concept of invisible homelessness.

Research-Hostes: Giannis Papadopoulos, Alexia Klaitzi, Elena Karanatsi, Elvira Krithari
Editor-in-chief: Lazaros Beltsios
Direction: Giannis Remoundos
Production Manager: Stratis Bogdanos

Host: Giannis Papadopoulos, Alexia Klaitzi, Elena Karanatsi, Elvira Krithari

Available on ERTFLIX.


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