FRIDAY  28/06/2024
14:00 (UTC) [K8]
Living on the Edge   (R)   

Year of production: (2023)

Living on the Edge is a documentary series that highlights contemporary Greeks who live “on the edge”: people living in extreme conditions, unusual ones, living and working on the edge - in the heights, in the depths, in solitude.
Each episode opens up horizons for viewers to get to know Greece and the possibilities that exist where others see only difficulties. Focusing on the human being, Kalliopi attempts to coexist and work alongside people who live on the "edge", traveling everywhere, from the heights to the depths.
The show focuses on human strength, the ability to survive in incompatible environments, and to achieve goals inspired by higher ideals.

Today: «Gavdos: Doctors at the Edge of Europe» [With English subtitles]
Episode 7

We cross the Libyan Sea to reach the southernmost inhabited point of Europe, the small and famous Gavdos. The people living on the edge in this episode are its two doctors, Vasilis and Petros. For a few days, Kalliopi will work alongside them, wanting to see what it is like to take care of the health of the residents and visitors of such a remote place, with no nurses, no pharmacy, and no speedboat.
The doctors, as well as the island’s residents, chose to stay here, fascinated by the wild beauty of this place that has been identified with Ogygia, the island where the nymph Calypso held Odysseus captive.
A look at a place extreme in its geography, a place of wild beauty, with great needs but also with people who have a vision and know how to support each other!

Direction - Editor in Chief: Lydia Konsta
Script: Zak Katsikaridis
Direction of Photography: George Kogias
Sound: Tanya Jones
Sound Mixing: Tasos Karadedos
Opening Titles and Trailer Music: Konstantinos Katsikaridis - Son of a Beat
Music Supervision: Fotis Kilelelis-Vasiliadis
Opening Titles- Graphics: Threehop - Panagiotis Georgakas
Editing: Apostolos Karoulas
Assistant Director: Zach Katsikaridis
Camera Assistant: Artemis Tzavara
Research: Artemis Tzavara
Assistant Producer: Anastasia Sargioti
Production Manager: Christina Gkoleka

Host: Kalliopi Savranidou

Available on ERTFLIX.



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